CVAD Faculty Bylaws, Strategic Plan, Mission

CVAD Faculty Bylaws, August 2023

Strategic Plan 2022-2026

At CVAD, we cultivate creative talent and critical minds in a collaborative and caring environment!

The future of the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas is limitless. As we continue to build upon our foundational elements of a diverse student population, incredible facilities, a robust regional creative economy, and dedicated and passionate faculty and staff, we will enact our vision and mission through distinctive, inclusive, and purposeful innovation. 

Purpose. The Why. To elevate the transformative power of visual arts and design.
Vision. The What. To be an internationally recognized college of art and design known for providing opportunities, taking chances, and changing lives.
Mission. The How. Cultivation of creative talent and critical minds within a collaborative and caring environment. 
Goals. The How-tos. Leveraging our distinct assets and opportunities, CVAD will innovate through three priority areas to support the purpose, vision, and mission. 


Conceptual Foundations and Professional Preparation

The College of Visual Arts and Design will stand out as unique among its peers in its approach and contributions to arts and design through scholarship, production, and education of a diverse student population from entry to exit and from undergraduate through doctoral. 

  • Foundations Program. As we implement the new Foundations program — college-wide and conceptually focused — curriculum and practices at all levels will be impacted.
  • Career Readiness. Every CVAD student will graduate having completed (with support) at least one of the following: Internship, Student Teaching, Business/Artist Plan with Branding, and Grad School Prep.
  • Bragging Rights. Why be distinctive if we don’t brag about it a little? We will increase our public-facing activities through on- and off-campus events and showcase our facility by hosting conferences and symposia. We will invite people to get out physically and tune in virtually. We will focus on marketing and communications both internally and externally.


Access and Experience

The College of Visual Arts and Design will endlessly pursue excellence in its curriculum, pedagogy, culture, and climate. CVAD uniquely offers access and opportunity to the visual arts and design while redefining and supporting excellence and success for its students, faculty, staff and friends. We will continue challenging existing internal and external norms, striving to live up to the opportunities our students and regional population demand.

  • Communications and Climate. We will improve internal communications, faculty/staff involvement, and voice within the college. We will treat each other well, honor differences, and forgive irritations. We will assume good intentions and ask when in doubt.


Students First and Focus on Fundamentals

The College of Visual Arts and Design will engage in making a difference locally, nationally, and globally. We will provide students with a positive learning experience and purposefully prepare them for life after graduation. We will impact the local creative economy, stand as leaders in various fields of study, and collaborate globally through art and design for social impact.

  • Research Support. The college will develop support and reward systems for research and scholarship. Building upon the Research Roadmaps, existing resources, and repurposed funds, we will provide a one-stop-shop CVAD Research Program.
  • Student Experience. We will provide a positive and affordable student experience where opportunity and high standards are available. We will strive to maintain and best serve current student numbers, balance student affordability against increased expenses, and support students’ timely degree completion or opt-out decision-making.
  • College Governance. We will review and revise governing policies and systems in CVAD to decrease faculty service time and decentralize practices to departments and units. We will streamline and document internal operational systems and build a staffing structure to sustainably support needs and growth within the college.
  • External Relations and Development. We will prioritize external relations with the regional arts community, current and prospective donors, alumni, and friends. We will create and enact a feasible and ambitious fundraising plan.
  • Hard Choices. We will recognize that resourcing strategic priorities requires hard choices around resource allocation.