About Interior Design

The mission of the Interior Design B.F.A. program is rooted in the conviction that interior designers hold a fundamental responsibility to shape every space built for human occupancy. Our curriculum prepares students for the challenges found in design practice. It teaches them to accept and analyze problems and to assess existing conditions. Students also learn how to research and synthesize solutions and develop the ability to present these solutions both visually and verbally. Finally, they review the process to gain insights for future improvements.

Interior designers create the environments in which we live, work and play. They work with residential and non-residential spaces and generally specialize in one or the other. They understand the fundamentals of design and its technical development in drafting, computer-aided design, presentation and interior construction. Interior designers must also have knowledge regarding lighting and building systems and federal, state and local building codes.

Interior designers are integral to any such project and should be involved early in the building and planning process. Before beginning a project, the interior designer meets with a client to determine the intended use of space and learn about the client's tastes. Interior designers prepare drawings and specifications for interior construction and work closely with architects and builders. They design lighting and interior details, coordinate colors and select furniture. They also plan additions and renovations.

The College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in interior design through the Department of Design. Our faculty members have years of experience, both national and international, as independent designers, consultants and architects. As a student in the Interior Design program, your coursework will focus on computer-aided design, lighting, design for special populations, green and sustainable design, and the history of furniture and architecture, among other subjects.

Many graduates of UNT's interior design program work as designers with established design and architectural firms or own businesses. Teaching interior design at the college level may require an advanced degree.

Admission to the B.F.A. in Interior Design Program

Entering students interested in pursuing a major in the Design Department in the College of Visual Arts and Design are classified as pre-majors. To be admitted to the interior design major (and to be eligible to enroll in advanced art courses), a pre-major must meet all the following requirements.

Completion of at least 30 hours of college courses, including the following, with a grade of C or better.

ART 1600 - Foundations: Perception and Translation
ART 1700 - Foundations: Space (Physical, Temporal and Virtual)
ART 1800 - Foundations: Narrative and Representation
ART 1900 - Foundations: Systems and Transformations
ADES 1625 - Introduction to Interior Design
ADES 2630 - Drawing for Interior Design

And one of the following.
ART 2350 - Art History Survey I
ART 2360 - Art History Survey II
ART 2370 - Art History Survey III

Portfolio review

Submit a portfolio for the Entry-Portfolio Review based on work completed in ADES 2630 and pass the review.

GPA requirements

Have a minimum 2.50 GPA from ART 1700, ART 1800, ADES 1625 and ADES 2630.
Have a minimum of 2.25 UNT grade point average.


Phillip Park facing forward and smiling.Phillip Park, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Coordinator, Interior Design Undergraduate Program





The interior design program leading to the B.F.A. in Interior Design is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation, www.accredit-id.org, 206 César E. Chávez Ave SW, Suite 350, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503.

The CIDA-accredited program prepares students for entry-level interior design practice, for advanced study, and to apply for membership in professional interior design organizations. The B.F.A. in Interior Design granted by the University of North Texas meets the educational requirement for eligibility to sit for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Examination (NCIDQ Exam). For more information about NCIDQ Exam eligibility visit: https://www.cidq.org/eligibility-requirements.