Research Help - Email the Art Librarian for research help:— a CVAD alumna, B.F.A. in Art History and M.F.A. in Studio Art: Drawing and Painting!
University Libraries: Laptops, Printing, Photocopying and Scanning
Students can check out Mac and Dell laptops from the Willis Library. Visit the Printing, Scanning and Photocopies web page for information about copying services.
University Libraries: Research Services and Products
Book checkout - Undergraduate students receive a six-week checkout period, while honors, graduate
students and faculty receive a semester checkout. Your UNT ID card is your library
Books and E-Books - Search the UNT Libraries Catalog to find books and other research materials on your topic. Search examples: Artist
name: Smith, Kiki (last name, first), Movement: Pop Art, Topic: Art Education and
Practice-Based, Technique: Oil painting AND technique. Click “Books” to limit to books,
and “at the library” for paper books, or Online for e-books. Click on e-books to open.
If accessing from off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password before
the book will open.
Art e-Journals- The UNT Libraries subscribe to hundreds of art e-journals. Browse by art discipline
or type the name of the art journal in the Title search box.
Course Reserves - Search by course number or instructor's name to find readings put on reserve by
your professor. E-Reserves can be accessed and read online, while physical reserves
can be checked out at the Willis Library Services Desk on the first floor.
Art Specific Research Databases - Search these 46 databases for art journal articles, and book chapters. If accessing
from off campus, you will be asked for your EUID and EUID password.
ARTstor Image Database - Use ARTstor to find high-resolution images of artworks and material culture objects
by country, time period, etc. Register for an account to download images and or store
them in your folder on ARTstor's server.
600+ Research Databases in all disciplines. Choose your discipline/subject in the “Subject” search box to
limit to only databases in one subject.
Online and Streaming Video Databases
Interlibrary Loan - ILL is a free borrowing program for requesting books, book chapters, journal articles
and other research materials not owned by the UNT Libraries. Create your Interlibrary Loan account — click the button “First Time Users Click Here” to get to the form.
Research Help - Email the Art Librarian for research help:— a CVAD alumna, B.F.A. in Art History and M.F.A. in Studio Art: Drawing and Painting!
General Library Questions - Use AskUs Chat service.
University Libraries: Writing Services
Writing and Tutoring Services in the Willis Library.
Your Free RefWorks Account - RefWorks is a writing citation manager software that makes organizing references
and citing research papers easier. Make your free account using your UNT email address.
Writing and Citation Style Guides — online and paper editions of the latest style guides.
Copyright Guide and Advisory Service
Scholarly Impact Guide and Service — for Faculty and Graduate Students
University Libraries: Study Rooms and Lockers
Study Rooms - Find and book a study room in Willis Library or Sycamore Library, or Discovery Park Library — Discovery Park is off campus at 3940 North Elm St. in Denton.
Lockers — for graduate students
University Libraries: Tutorials and Workshops
General Research Tutorials
Graduate Workshops
The Spark Maker Space workshops
UNT Campus - Buildings and ParkingandConstruction
Math Lab • Learning Center
The Math Lab is a free walk-in tutoring lab that serves students enrolled in undergraduate
math courses at UNT. It is funded by student fees from students enrolled in these
classes, and staffed by mathematics graduate students and undergraduate students with
a passion for math. The Math Lab is operated by the UNT Learning Center. Please visit the Learning Center's Math Lab website.
Thinking about selling your art or designs? The Murphy Center is a collaborative environment facilitating new business ventures
and strengthening the prospects of early-stage companies in the North Texas region.
The center has developed a number of programs and partnerships across the Dallas-Fort
Worth region with entrepreneurs, venture funds and service providers to accelerate
the success of the ecosystem.
Members of the center collaborate with all university students in their efforts to
build thriving start-ups. The Murphy Center adds value to the student experience and
can help connect their ideas, creativity and talents to industry opportunities. For
more information, contact the Murphy Center, 940-565-3179,, UNT Business Leadership Building, for more information about mentoring, functional
skill building, the venture community, perks and funding.
Sage Hall, Room 167 | 940-565-4323 | ODA Testing Center - Sage Hall, Room 167
If you have a disability and need accommodations, consider registering with us. We
assist students with ADA-related concerns, educational access, and accommodations.
We also provide referrals for diagnostic evaluations. You can find more information
at UNT Disability.
UNT System portal OnTheHub is open for students, faculty and staff to purchase discounted
software and hardware.
Eagle Student Services Center, Room 209 | 940-565-2111
You can visit us at the Registrar's office to request transcripts, withdraw from courses,
make a grade change, remove an incomplete and check course duplications. You can find
more information on the website of the UNT Office of the Registrar.
Marquis Hall, Room 145 | 940-565-2207
We provide information on study and travel abroad opportunities for U.S. students.
We can also help with providing information for scholarships for your study abroad
area of interest.
Sage Hall, Room 150
The UNT Writing Center offers free writing tutoring to all currently enrolled UNT
students in all disciplines and at all stages of their academic careers — from English
composition students to graduate students writing theses and dissertations. They do
more than merely proofread; they teach you strategies and techniques to improve your
writing for the long term.