B.F.A. in Fashion Design Application Process Overview

All students in the entering the Fashion Design major must first be accepted through the Entry-Portfolio Review, including transfer and post-baccalaureate students. Students applying to the Fashion Design program will be evaluated based on their ability to be successful academically, artistically and creatively based on work submitted in the portfolio. Evidence of academic success is evaluated through the grade point average in all college courses and the Foundations program prerequisites. Evidence of artistic and creative capabilities is evaluated through creative work provided in the entry-review portfolio.

All artwork submitted for consideration must be the applicants' original artwork. Any artwork submitted in the entry review that is not the applicants' original work is grounds for elimination from the entry portfolio review. Applicants may be required to present the artwork to the entry review committee if there are any questions or concerns. 

Foundations Courses

Entry Review Requirements: The following courses must be completed or in progress to be eligible to apply.

ART 1600: Perception and Translation
ART 1700: Space - physical, temporal, and virtual
ART 1800: Narrative and Representation 
ART 1900: Systems and Transformations
ADES 1550: Introduction to Fashion Design
ADES 1560: Introduction to Industrial Sewing Techniques.

A minimum 2.50 GPA in the above coursework and a minimum 2.25 UNT GPA with a minimum of 30 credits at the end of the spring semester when grades are posted after participating in the Entry-Portfolio Review in Fashion Design. 

Digital Portfolio Content to be Reviewed

Application Components

  • Client mood and concept boards created in the student's Introduction to Fashion Design, ADES 1550, course.
  • Images of the skirt project and production documentation from the Introduction to Industrial Sewing Techniques, ADES 1560, course.
  • Answers to the Fashion Design Application Questions


If reapplying, you must submit the contents required by the application form and the final project from ADES 2550: Fashion Patternmaking — sketches, patterns, mood boards, and garment pictures.

Transfer students

Please contact Associate Professor Hae Jin Gam, program coordinator, at HaeJin.Gam@unt.edu to receive the project documents.  

Submission Process

Submit the digital portfolio content listed above to UNT Slideroom. Make your UNT Slideroom with your official UNT EagleConnect email address.

New and Transfer Students

New and transfer students use the following file name format to upload one single file with multiple pages submitted through UNT Slideroom.

  • File name format: Eight-digit student ID number, dash (-), first name, dash (-), last name
    • Example: 12345678-jane-smith.pdf

Reapplying Students

Reapplying students will use the file name: reapply-student, student ID number, dash (-), first name, dash (-), last name.pdf

  • Reapplying student example: reapply-student-12345678-john-doe.pdf 

Application Schedule 2023-2024

Review Schedule

  • Submit your entry portfolio by April 14, 2024, 11:59:59 p.m. CST. Important Note: Late submissions will not be accepted. 
  • The eligibility check will be completed by May 19, and the selection or non-selection emails will be sent to your UNT email in the following two weeks.
  • Mandatory student response of accepting admittance into the program is mandatory following the deadline in the acceptance email you will receive. 

Entry Review Application

For all students who are not transfer students: You must submit the following information as part of your portfolio to be eligible. Please note that you can only upload one file with multiple pages.

Part I. Contact Information

Your email address: UNT email only
Your current UNT GPA

Part II. Fashion Design Questions for continuing CVAD students

  1. What experience — life and work — led you to seek a degree in Fashion Design?    
  2. Describe your skills and experience to enter this program.
  3. Why have you selected UNT for this degree?
  4. List the fashion careers that you feel you would be prepared for by this degree.
  5. Explain why you are a good candidate for this program.

Transfer Student Application Form

If you are a transfer student, use this process. You must submit the following information as part of your portfolio to be eligible. Please note that you can only upload one file with multiple pages.

Part I. Contact Information

Email address — UNT and personal email.
Current UNT GPA.

Part II. Fashion Design Questions for Transfer Students

  1. What inspired you to pursue a career in fashion design, and how did you first become interested in the field?
  2. Describe and walk us through your design portfolio, highlighting some of your most successful projects and explaining what makes them stand out.
  3. Why did you decide to transfer to this fashion design program, and what sets this program apart from others that you have considered?
  4. Explain the skills/experience that you have to come into this program.