An array of dots and dashes of color that spell CVAD in Morse Code

David Stout

Studio Art
CVAD Studio Art: New Media Art and
College of Music Composition Studies

UNT Music Building, Room 345

Stout, David



Areas of Expertise:  Contemporary media art, curating new media, directing and producing live performance and film, live cinema, electronic music theatre, network performance, interactive video, media installation, video dance, electroacoustic music, sound art, digital printmaking, art and artificial life, collaborative methods

David Stout is a visual artist, composer and performer exploring the cross-media synthesis and interdisciplinary approaches to new genres bridging the arts. He holds an inter-arts M.F.A. from the California Institute of the Arts where he studied with Ed Emshwiller, Jules Engel, Jim Pomeroy, Michael Scroggins and Bill Viola. His award-winning works include live-cinema performance, interactive video installation, electro-acoustic music composition and immersive telematic video events that emphasize multi-screen projection as an extension of performer, audience and architecture.

Since 2002 he has worked closely with creative partner, Cory Metcalf to examine the aesthetic possibilities for evolutionary generative systems, artificial life networks and simulation environments. The pair, who began their seminal collaboration in Santa Fe, New Mexico, are renown as founding members of the critically acclaimed interactive media ensemble, NoiseFold, which first premiered at the Festival Internationale d’Art Video in Casablanca, Morocco in spring 2006.

David’s ongoing collaborations with dancers, instrumentalists, computer programmers, composers and filmmakers include recent projects with cellist, Frances Marie Uitti, The Netherlands, guitarist; Janet Feder, USA; and Trio Kaze, Germany. Stout previously founded the MOV-iN Gallery and the Installation, Performance & Interactivity project, IPI, at the College of Santa Fe. David is a recipient of numerous grants, awards and prestigious nominations including the New Mexico New Visions Award, the Harvestworks Interactive Technology Award and the Sun Micro Systems Award for Academic Excellence and a nominee for the USA Artist Fellowship, International Media Art Prize and the WTN World Technology Award.